Grading Policy
ISD 196 High School Grading Policy
- Students are expected to fully attend, participate, engage in the entire course
- Teacher professional judgment determines appropriate grade based on essential learnings and appropriate curriculum, instruction and assessments as prescribed by MDE & ISD 196 requirements
- Teachers, students and families utilize Schoology platform and grades for the process of learning and communication throughout the course
- Students earn the corresponding grade in Campus, based on their learning, for the final grade in the course to be used for transcripts and report cards
- End of term grades to be posted in Campus (for transcripts and report cards):
- Grades A through D- are final, posted marks
- Receive credit towards graduation & factor into G.P.A.
- Grade of F is a final, posted mark
- Does not receive credit & does factor into G.P.A.
- Grade of NC (No Credit)* is a final, posted mark
- Does not receive credit & does not factor into G.P.A.
- Grade of P (Pass)* is a final, posted mark
- Does receive credit & does not factor into G.P.A.
- Grade of I+ (Incomplete) is a temporary placeholder, not a grade/credit
- A student with an I+ will have the 2 week Incomplete Period, which begins at the start of the next trimester, to complete work to earn a letter grade (A - F)
- Provided in unique circumstances, usually students missing final exams at the end of the trimester due to extended illness, etc.
- Grades A through D- are final, posted marks
- See Grade/Pass Policy*
- See RHS Counseling Web Page: Resources> Academics> Forms
- A student may designate ONE specific course per trimester, by the assigned deadline, with a Grade/Pass option. For this course, a student who fully attends, participates and completes all components of the course successfully may change the passing letter grade (A - D-) to a P (Pass).
- The default mark given is the letter grade. The student must notify the teacher at the end of the trimester if opting for the P (Pass).
- Deadline for submitting permission form is one week past the Friday of Parent Teacher Conferences.
- Once the form is submitted, the identified course for that trimester may not be changed at any time.