RHS Library
As both the Library and Technology Support Center, the RHS Library is a hub of student activity. Students are encouraged to collaborate, create and contribute to the world around.
School Year Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Library Resources
Welcome to the RHS Library!
Welcome to the Rosemount High School Library. We aim to provide both a physical and virtual space where students can COLLECT Information, COLLABORATE with others, CREATE new work, and CONTRIBUTE to the universal body of knowledge!
Check-Out Policies
- A student I.D. number is required to check out books. Books may be checked out for a three week period, and can be renewed as many times as necessary, unless the book has been requested by another student. Students can check out up to 4 books at a time.
- Students must have a pass to be in the Media Center during class hours. They will need to show their pass and sign in at the front desk with the supervising teacher.
- Students in the Library should keep the noise level at a collaborative volume so everyone can work.
- Library computers may only be used for school purposes.
- Students are asked to keep all food and drink away from technology.
Resources Available
Fiction (Middle Level) The Media Center has a collection of both hardbound and paperback novels, ranging from the classics to the more popular authors today...from Dickens to Steinbeck...from J.K. Rowling to Stephenie Meyer. These are arranged by genres (Fantasy, Science Fiction, Realistic, Sports, Humorous, Mystery, Historic, and Classics.
eBooks (Online) RHS students have access to hundreds of eBooks and audiobooks in MackinVia. New books are added all the time and range from current titles to classics. The Mackinvia app can be downloaded to the iPad. Student network (COLLAB) username and password are used to access materials.
Nonfiction (Main Level) The library's collection of nonfiction books include a wide variety of informational texts. A large focus is on narrative nonfiction. These books are categorized into popular topics.
Virtual Reference Collection (Online) Gale Virtual Reference Library is a collection of over 50 encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for Arts, Business, Education, Environment, History, Literature, Medicine, Religion, Science and Social Sciences. You can access these reference materials online from the library or remotely 24/7.
Interlibrary Loan Students and faculty may request books and/or journal articles using an Inter Library Loan service established with Minitex Library Information Network. If you have a book you need, that is not available in the District, use the “Quick Link” to submit a request.